Sunday, March 9, 2008

Join Me Today

OK, here we go down the slippery slope of training. Yeap, we have learned step by step how to do blogs, Aweber and Roboform. There is a lot to virtual marketing. I am having a little problem with Roboform, but one of myvmteam mates has offered to help. I am having a hard time rapping my head around all the different angles to get them to come together. I have faith that this will come in time as I use it more. I have learned to use free advertisers sites - this is also giving me a little challenge as some of the sites don't offer the services I want to advertise. I am looking forward to the new items coming up and the things I will learn. Hope you will join me. Google Me Carole Percifield

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

People should read this.